CPS Leader

The Certified Peer Support Leader training will teach you everything in the Teammate training, plus the really important things you need to know when managing a peer support team. Here's what the Leader program will cover:

  • Selection of a peer support team leader
  • Selection of the members of the peer support team (teammates)
  • The types of training a peer support team needs to be effective and beneficial
  • Succession planning and co-leaders
  • Working with leadership / command staff / administration
  • Budgeting / funding to support the team’s work
  • Self-care of the Leader, the Teammates, leadership, and coworkers
  • Networking and connecting with mental health professionals, other leaders, and resources
  • The art of leading, coaching, and being a mentor
  • Organizing incidents and responses and delegating tasks and roles
  • Tracking and reporting peer use of the peer support team
  • Assessing teammates and personal, as well as morale
  • Being prepared vs. being reactionary
  • Policy, SOP’s and regulations for the peer support team
  • Updating and maintaining the peer support manual
  • The many roles and responsibilities of a team leader

The Certified Peer Support Leader program also includes the 24 hours of Certified Peer Support Teammate training program:

  • Why someone might want to be on a peer support team
  • Who’s right for a peer support team?
  • What are the criteria for a great peer support teammate?
  • How to prepare yourself for peer support mentally and emotionally
  • Expectations of a peer support team
  • Limitations and boundaries of peer support
  • The 4 C’s of peer support: Compassion, Connection, Crisis-Care, and Camaraderie Self-Care and dealing with your own stuff
  • Mental Health: Anxiety, Stress, and Burnout
  • Mental Health: Depression
  • Mental Health: Trauma / Cumulative Trauma of a First Responder
  • Mental Health: Vicarious / Secondary Trauma
  • Mental Health: Post-Trauma Responses & Disorders
  • Mental Health: Treatment Common coping choices among First Responders
  • Healthy coping choices
  • Resources Networking & Connection to expand support options
  • Earning and keeping the trust of your coworkers
  • Confidentiality
  • Types of incidents, calls and needs
  • Ways to help your peers
  • Resiliency Types of holistic health
  • Being a presence Answer the call or don’t be on the team
  • The responsibility and privilege of being on a peer support team
  • Know your teammates and your coworkers
  • When to step up, step back, and/or leave the team
  • Do’s and Don’t’s of peer support
  • Overload
  • The support you’ll need at home
  • Listening Skills
  • Including retirees in your program
  • Clarifying the required reporting situations and confidentiality boundaries
  • Suicide and Crisis Intervention
  • The impact of pre-career experiences
  • Debriefing using the Post Action Strategic Debriefing method
  • What to do when you just don’t know what to do
  • Proactive resiliency planning
  • Helping your coworkers to connect with, and use, resources
  • The effects you have as a peer support teammate
  • Practice scenarios, case studies and sample scripts for talking with your peers\

The Certified Peer Support Leader is a 30-hour training program, and is designed to teach you the essentials of what you may encounter or need to know to be an effective teammate on a peer support team.

Participants are given access to the training program for 90 days in order to begin and complete all the training sessions thoroughly, and prepare for the examination. An examination is required in order to earn the certification, and participants must achieve a score of 90% or above in order to pass.

Certified Peer Support LEADER .2

$250.00 USD

 The Certified Peer Support Leader training will teach you everything in the Teammate training, plus the really important things you need to know when managing a peer support team. The Certified Peer Support Leader training includes the 24 hours of Certified Peer Support Teammate training, plus 6 hours of Leader-specific training. 


Certified Peer Support TEAMMATE .2

$200.00 USD

The Certified Peer Support Teammate is a 24-hour training program, and is designed to teach you the essentials of what you may encounter or need to know to be an effective teammate on a peer support team, as well as extensive mental health training. 


Build, train, & grow a peer support team.

No matter where you are in your peer support team lifecycle, this training will help your peer support teammates, and leaders, to provide the very best possible support for their peers. Mental health foundational knowledge, team roles & duties, and organized and effective coordination are key elements of this training program.


Email us: [email protected] Call us: 405-237-3269